Sunday, June 28, 2015

Love Begins from Within

Love begins from within. I think it has to be said, so many women are looking for love in all the places where hurt resides. In meaningless relationship, in food, in drugs, in drama and in insecurities. 

What do you mean "in insecurities"? Well, I say insecurities because we get so drawn into what we hate about ourselves that  we assume that people see and hate what we hate and see about ourselves. We can often lead with our insecurities because we aren't sure how to embrace the great things that make us who we are.

God is love, and God is in us. So the love you are so desperately searching for resides in you. The deeper we get closer to the creator , the deeper we connect with the creator, the closer we understand the love that we hold. 
We will experience the unconditional love that he has for us. That same love God has for us, is the same love you should have for yourself.

Unconditionally loving every part of you, loving the mistake that helped you grow. Loving the skin you're in which makes you, you. There is nobody better at being you than you. So love you  and embrace you. 

When you can exude self love others will see how much you love you and in turn will love you because of who you are and nothing less.

Love Begins Within
God is Love and God resides in Us

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dear Broken Me:

Dear Broken Me,
 See you decided to get me early in life, before I had a chance to even know what day of the week it was.
  See you decided to get me before I could fully understand the power God gave me and before I could fully comprehend the violation that was happening to me, by the hands of a man that should have protected me from predators , molesters and monsters. He should have been the man I ran to,but instead he became the man I ran from.
 Dear broken me what your dad did to you wasn't your fault.

Dear Broken Me, I know you wondered who do I tell something like that to, after all he is your dad. At this point you just wish you didn't have to ever see him or talk to him again.

Dear Broken Me, see your shy quiet self you never say anything, you never speak up. Oooooh!!! I get it, I guess you figured your voice didn't matter, no one really listens anyway. You silenced the voice that never had a chance to speak.

Dear Broken Me, why are these girls picking on you, why don't they want to be your friend today? One day they are your friend , the next day they say they aren't... Is this how friendship should be? I know you didn't do anything to them to make them be so mean... Dear broken me I heard you praying to God to remove you from this school.
See even as you were being broken,you knew God was there you never blamed him.
God answered your prayer moved you to Atlanta!!!!

Dear broken me, I know you never wanted to be a single mother Because you saw how hard your mom struggled with you and your brother, that was the main reason you started working at the age of 14. See you are strong maybe Because you never wanted to depend on a man. But some how you forgot about your dreams or maybe you just didn't fully know how to get there. But now you have a baby , unwed by a man who is too naive to understand your worth (shoot!!! maybe he was broken too). See he also brought you pain and hurt , confusion. Now a 2nd man has added to your brokenness. Now all you know to do is stay strong for you and your baby boy Because now you have to raise him to be better than the men you've experienced

Dear Broken Me you seem to have done well throughout the years taken care of you, your son,working, going to school starting an accessory line... Vowing not to have another child until marriage. Growing in your relationship with God but then just when you thought it was your time to be happy in marriage you meet the sweetest , most charming Guy ... Not knowing he was a sheep in wolves clothing. See broken me you didn't give it enough time and now life is being torn upside down. Lies, deceit, manipulation, this pain is worst than anything you have ever experience. See he prayed with you, went to church with all along he was just preying on you. It hurts soooo bad. Now your wondering , why is this happening,now you'er pregnant and lost in your pain because  love once again found the broken you and used it to break pieces of you that were built up over the past years.

But today broken me, you are victorious, your voice is loud, your testimony will help others overcome and now you know that it was all for the purpose God has on your life. Now you know that you have two boys to raise to be great men of God ,that will love their wives and their children. Now you cry tears of joy because broken you didn't win. Now you know the truth behind love, joy, peace, prayer and so much more.

So broken me thank you for all the pieces you left me, it's giving me just enough to build with. Thank you,broken me for not braking me but Building me.
 I'm grateful for you and I love you.

Broken me ,you are brave 
Broken me, you are strong
Broken me, you have helped me be better 

Broken me you don't need to meet me because you knew me all the while.

I love you Girl!!! With your beautiful strong self 

Saturday, May 17, 2014


LIVE LOVE Laugh 2014

Its 2014 A new year to LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH...... Life is precious and should be enjoyed with peace, blessings and joy not from the world but from God...... REMEMBER that !!!!!

Stay Gorgeous!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Strength Within

Hey Gorgeous,

Its been a while since I posted anything. However, that will change  because I'm here in full effect.

Life is forever changing rather good or bad its mandatory for life to bring about change, that we are sometimes prepared for and sometimes not. As a woman of God my strength has played a role in my life since I can remember. Anyone I have ran into always say " your a strong person". Some people have even made the statement saying "your a little to strong for me". Being told that your too strong and I may need to show less strength, I began to second guess who I was, who God had made me.But, never the less, no matter who I ran into they would see the strength that I hold.

That same strength kept me safe in my single days, kept me strong as a single parent, kept me strong when love was lost, that strength kept me in my struggle to be patient and that strength kept me strong when I so wanted to be weak.

Now, that I am married to a man that God truly made me for, I see that my strength isn't a bad thing.I see that my strength all these years has build me up to be the help mate my husband truly needs. God would not allow me to loss my STRENGTH WITHIN. God knew the day would come when my strength would be put to use for someone (the right person) that would instead of telling me that I'm too strong, they would understands that without strength our marriage wouldn't be strong, without strength there would be no reasoning away the confusion that comes. Without Strength strong holds cant be broken.

I'm excited to say Thank you God for the strength within, there is nothing greater than to understand Gods glory and power when for years we wonder why. But, trusting God in knowing that all things work for the good of those who love him, and that are called for his purpose.

I'm Stronger than I have every been. However, I still have days that make me want to give up, but I remember God made me strong, so I live in that purpose. I'm grateful God has my back 110%

Be Strong
Team IAG

Monday, June 4, 2012


We are super excited to provide this blog to super Gorgeous young ladies and women who are totally  awesome, love the skin  they'er in. Living life and loving life to the full extent of what God has for them. Here on this blog we encourage each other, we give great advise to one another, we supoort  each other  abd uplift. We set standards that although we are women.

#1) We are Gorgeous
#2) We Support each other
#3) We all have something in common
#4) We can all learn from one another
#5) Let us be a strong force of GOREGOUS Women

Being Gorgeous is not just an outward sign. Being Gorgeous means your heart, mind, soul and body are filled with the Love of God. His light that shines within makes you Gorgeous. So to all my Gorgeous ladies be blessed and Live Life Gorgeously! Smooches!!

LLG Live Life Goegously!!!